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Trolley furnace-Knowledge

Time:2024-03-13 Click:0

A trolley box furnace is usually a type of equipment used in the industrial field for heating, sintering, drying, or heat treatment of materials. The characteristic of this type of furnace is that they have a movable trolley, which is usually a mobile platform used to place and remove the materials to be processed in the furnace.

KJ-M1700-T216L Electric trolley furnace
KJ-M1700-T216L Electric trolley furnace(click on the image to view product details)

1. The structural characteristics of the trolley furnace
The shell of the trolley furnace is usually welded from steel plates and steel sections, and the trolley part is also welded from steel sections and steel plates. The trolley reduces thermal radiation and convection losses through soft contact with the furnace lining, ensuring the sealing of the furnace body. The furnace lining mainly adopts refractory fiber structure to improve insulation performance. The trolley is usually equipped with a furnace bottom plate that is resistant to pressure and high temperature, used to carry workpieces.

2. Heating method of trolley furnace
The heating element of the trolley furnace is usually a spiral shaped heating element, which is placed on the side of the furnace and the trolley masonry. The materials used for heating elements are mostly internationally recognized high temperature resistant materials to ensure their stability and durability at high temperatures.

3. Application fields of trolley furnace
The trolley furnace is widely used in the heat treatment of metal materials such as high chromium and high manganese steel castings, gray cast iron castings, ductile iron castings, rollers, steel balls, crusher hammers, wear-resistant lining plates, etc. It can also be used for heat treatment processes of large carbon steel and alloy steel parts, such as welding stress relief annealing. Widely used in industrial fields such as metal processing, ceramic production, glass manufacturing, and chemical engineering. For example, in metal processing, they can be used to sinter parts made of metal powder, or to heat treat steel to change its physical properties.

4. Operating specifications for trolley furnace
Trolley furnaces are usually used indoors, and the ambient temperature should be within a certain range. At the same time, it is required that the monthly average maximum relative humidity in the area of use does not exceed a certain value. In addition, there should be no conductive dust, explosive gases, or corrosive gases that can seriously damage metals and insulation around the trolley furnace, and there should be no obvious vibration or bumps. In order to maintain the good performance of the trolley furnace and extend its service life, regular maintenance and upkeep are required. For example, regularly clean the oxide scale inside the furnace to prevent it from affecting the normal operation of heating elements.

A commonly used trolley furnace (click on the image to view product details)
A commonly used trolley furnace (click on the image to view product details)

Trolley furnace is a powerful and structurally reasonable heat treatment equipment widely used in the heat treatment process of various metal materials. Can provide high-temperature heating and precise control to meet the needs of different material processing. During use, attention should be paid to the requirements of the operating environment, and regular maintenance and upkeep should be carried out to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life.Click to learn more Trolley furnace! Or click on online customer service to learn more about product information!

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